Monday 17 March 2014

Internship Training and Report

Learning Outcomes
1. Recognize and recall authorities’ procedures and requirements with regards Planning Submission and/or Building Submission drawings.
2. Appreciate the requirements of a complete set of Planning and/or Building Submission drawings and the need for compliance with the relevant by-laws.
3. Appreciate a typical written specification in support of a set of working drawings Produce a typical set of Client-Consultant Meeting (CCM) minutes.
4. Work successfully in small teams for the success of medium-sized projects. Appreciate the resource planning issues that take place in a typical architect’s practice. Produce a complete logbook documenting experience in a typical architect’s practice. 

Project Title: The Model of Seaview Hotel, Kuantan
Duration: 1 week

While doing this model, I’ve learnt the procedures of schematic design and presentation. The physical and digital model is equally important during the presentation to provide a clearer view and physical contact for the client. I have also learnt the structures and frames of the high-rise building, which different from the low-raise building we have learnt in class. The expose and continuous structure from underground to the top floor is the main support of the building and also part of the design. 

Project Title: Clubhouse in Papua New Guinea 
Duration: 3 weeks

The tropical clubhouse is designed with greenery and water features to suit the hot and rainy weather in Papua New Guinea. The clubhouse has various open spaces to overview the golf club, art museum and villas around it. As Mr. Luis said, “Everything has been built, so just check on the Internet,” so I found some references and examples of tropical buildings which are Kayumanis Resort, Bali and Alila Resort, Bali. I also did four mood boards to support and clarify my design, which are the design of entrance, swimming pool, pathway and courtyard.

In this project, I learnt to work successfully with a group of professions that guide me throughout the project. I also appreciate the resource planning issues in the practice, which required the cooperation of each groups of professions such as consultants, engineers, contractors and others. 

Project Title: Submission plan for Norae Ee 
Duration: 1 week

The Norae Ee is a condominium in Kuala Lumpur designed by Mr. Jose. To complete the plans for submission, I had changed all layers according to the submission requirement, added some details of M&E and title block with information. Due to everyone in the office are foreigners, I also take responsibility to translate the letters from DBKL and other government departments and fulfill their requirements and comments.
In this project, I gain an opportunity to learn more about requirements of different authorities and the procedure of permit application. I also realized the importance of the need for compliance with the relevant by-laws in every projects before submit to the authorities. 

Project Title: Presentation for PNG 183
Duration: 3 weeks

The PNG 183 is located in Papua New Guinea with 183 hectare of undeveloped land. According to the client’s requirement, it will be develop into commercial and residential usage. The presentation includes the masterplan of PNG 183, commercial and residential proposed designs, green areas and infrastructure designs. My job is to gather all information and compound them into a presentation handbook for the clients.

In this project, I discover the design of master planning and urban city according to the culture, weather and topography of Papua New Guinea. I emphasized more on the research of landscape design and street design, which related to sustainability and green architecture.